Today we had two important appointments. One was his CT scan and neurosurgeon appointment to figure out when he can have his skull put back. And the other was a court date, this was about the drivers citation.

Do you want good news or bad news?

We will start with what I think is bad news. So I have not spoken much about the driver of the accident. And for this I will express my feelings about her without giving her name. When this first happened my first thought was "Oh my god, that poor girl. I can't imagine the sorrow and turmoil she must be feeling." I hurt for her because she is so young (16) and she hit a 10 year old. I would be completely tore up. I would never want to drive again. At this time I didn't know anything about what happened....why it happened...whose fault it was....I just knew that I would NEVER want to go through something like that. As time went on I learned that she only had a a learners permit and did not have an adult in the car with her (which is the law). This bothered me a little more because as much as it was an accident....had she not been breaking the law this more than likely wouldn't have happened....but maybe it would have, I don't know. Then I learned that she didn't see Michael, he was on the side of the road. He may have stepped into the street, and if he did the reason to me is still unknown. But the fact that she did not see him or even know that she hit him really bothers me. Because if she was watching the road, the view to his path up to the road was completely visible and every other driver saw him. As a driver, I believe she should have been able to avoid him completely. (still unsure if there is anyone to blame because I was not there) But then today in court we learned that THREE DAYS AFTER she nearly killed a ten year old boy by driving illegally and irresponsibly she went and obtained her real drivers license. This completely disgusts me. What kind of person causes this kind of damage to a kid (no matter whose fault the ACCIDENT was) and then runs and gets her DL just to avoid being inconvenienced. Fact of the matter is, she did this because her citation was not in the system yet and she could avoid any issues getting her DL if she did it this soon. Still.....I understand that no matter why things happened the way they did on September was truly an accident. Its not even that I am mad about it because I realize the perfect storm of that day.....but her actions after the fact have really made my stomach sick. I don't even know what to say about that. Long story short.....she has to take a driving course within 30 days. That is her inconvenience of her actions.  My inconvenience of her actions are life long. My sons inconvenience of her actions are life long. Hers is less than a slap on the wrist. SMH.

And again.....the accident I understand.....Im not okay with it, and I can place blame where I see fit, but that is NOT what I am so upset about.

On to a better note :-)  Michaels CT scan showed that his clot is gone (on its own) However it did leave a "crater...or cavity" whatever you want to call it. I asked him what that meant if he starts recovering, and he said it doesn't really mean anything good or bad, depends on Michael but he very well can work himself around the fact that he has a "dent" in his frontal lobe. He also said that his swelling is down enough to have his skull put back. They have him all set for December 22 (which just happens to be Tituss Bday...luckily we are doing his party early) If all goes well we will be discharged for the PICU on Christmas eve. He was very happy with the process Michael has had, understanding that as parents he isn't processing as fast as WE want, but commended us on our patience. He also let us know that the parts of his brain that control the walking, talking, and eating are perfectly fine but he was worried about the muscle tightness. ( I of course told Michael that he needs to stop faking and start working) So on this side of was very encouraging.

So with his skull missing it is just like a babys soft spot. (his entire forehead) They say that when it is squishy it is good but if its "hard" then that means there is still swelling. So I feel it everyday and was worried because I felt some "pressure" or so I thought. Well turns out it is actually his brain trying to make a new skull. ( thats freaking awesome in my opinion) So he was telling us that even though they will put his own skull back in there is a 30% chance that his body will reject it and "eat his own bone" If that happens they will have to do another surgery and put a custom made skull in. And then there is another chance that because its been past three months (at least when his surgery date is) then he could get an infection and then they would have to take it out and put the custom one back we still need TONS of prayers!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


  1. Sounds like you've had a wonderful day. I know the driver is a bit of a bum. But, honestly, at this point, it's God's business. God is a righteous, just God. I was wondering about Michael's skull please that is not in his head right now. Please forgive me if this is an off color question, but, where is it? What kind of solution do they store it in?

    1. It is in the freezer at the hospital. If he were a little bigger they would have put it inside his abdomen buuut he is to small so its in the freezer.

      And I know what you mean and most days I just coubt my blessings of having Michael still with us. I know I have more important things to worry about than what is happening with the driver but every now and again it just erks me a bit! But I will get back to focusing on him and his recovery :)


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