Today is my Moms birthday! If she were here I would call her and tell her Happy Birthday. I would find my way to lakeland and have coffee with her outside. I would bring her a witty homemade gift that expressed my love and annoyance with her :-) But she is not. She died a little over a year ago and so instead of spending some time with her or just hearing her voice I will keep her on my mind today. I wish she were here with me, helping me through this tough spot, I know she would be right here next to me. I miss her. I love you Mom, Happy Birthday!

So this week was JHW (boys school) "I believe in you" picnic. I wasn't able to go this year because Titus got sick, but this is the letter I wrote Michael last year. The school asks all the parents to write your child a note telling them how much you believe in them. It is so important because a lot of times the kids don't realize how proud you are of them. I was cleaning Michaels room out and found this, he kept it :-) I also found other things from last year that kind of made me giggle, I will share pictures of those too, but I just wanted to say how awesome the "I believe in you" days are. This year because I didn't write Michael one, I wrote his teacher one. I want to brag on her for a second. Mrs. Redmon was Michaels teacher in 2nd grade. She pushed him so much, she gave him confidence that I couldn't give him (you can tell your kid how awesome they are, but it isnt until the TEACHER tells them that they actually believe it) She fed his academic hunger that I don't even think he knew he had. She has no idea how important and how special she is. She is the one that had him tested for the gifted program. She is also the one that is teaching the ignite program (along with Mrs Hayes) This is an after school program that kids that are responsible, smart, and well behaved get invited to join. She (and Mrs Hayes) also do the A team which he is apart of. (academic team, they go and do competitions) She is now Michaels 5th grade teacher. She is such an important part of our lives. She was up at the hospital sharing tears with me just a few short days after his accident. She brought cards from the entire 5th grade...twice. She brought me coffee up to the hospital numerous times. She is a Godsend. She made sure Titus was getting to and from school when we need her. She even left school to bring Titus home during the first week after the accident when he couldn't handle being at school. She made sure that the teachers were bringing food to our house while we were gone for the rest of the kids. She still makes more visits, coffee and all. She is truly amazing! Everyone needs a Mrs Redmon in their lives and their kids lives. I know that sometimes being a teacher, life can get discouraging, you may think that nothing that you are doing is working, you may think that you are underappreciated. And you may think that you aren't making a difference. But you ARE. You are making an impact in all the kids lives, even if they act out, even if you can't tell. They will forever remember you and everything you did for them. Such a special teacher like Genifer.....she will NEVER be forgotten or underappreciated in our family. We love YOU!!!!!

So here are some other things that I found in Mikes room....they are dumb funny. Someone drew a picture of a boy and as a girl.....???
Here is a paper he filled out, check out his wish "that everyone knows who I am" I think you pulled that off buddy! Next time just start a youtube channel. :-)
Here is a box that all his friends signed on the last day of this a thing now, signed boxes, because 2 of his friends sent him one to the hospital.....weird.....And you will see that Mikes nickname is Jeff.....I have no clue why, he always asked me to call him that but I refuse. Havent had the best experiences with "jeffs" haha. But for whatever reason, its what his friends called him?!?!?!

Kids are so weird.

Here are some pictures of last week, we had a very busy week. Doctors appointments, walmart trips, school trips, birthday parties. I also got him a "tubie belt" It helps secure of gtube so it doesnt get tugged or he doesnt lay on it.

(saw santa at the park, Adler was Not excited....he was scared, wouldnt go up to him)

This kitty is Ashtrid, she was given to us over the summer. She is very sweet but doesnt like people. She will lay in the room with you but does not want you to touch her. Since we got home with Michael she stay with him as much as she can. If he is on the floor then she is on the floor, if he is in his room then she is in his room. Its so cute and sweet. 

I will leave you with a picture of part of our morning routine. 
Love you guys! 


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