As many of you know, we are the definition of blended family. We have four boys. Hunter is about to be 17, he is my step son, his mother passed away when he was a toddler. Michael is my first born. Titus is my second, both from my first husband. And then Adler is four and he is mine and my husbands. So every kid is mingled together but it a totally different way. We all have different bonds but in different ways. Everyone their own way. But to me Michael is so very special. He is my first born. We spent his entire first year....just me and him because his Dad was deployed. He made me a mother, He has always been my very first EVERYTHING.

I sit here alone in his room with him. My husband in the shower, my other kids at home, his Dad spending the night with Titus.....and all I can feel is fear.

It is not fear of what I will have to encounter, or fear of what he will become, but its fear of the potential I know he had....has.....and what kind of life he will live....or not live.  I am totally fine with being strong at the hospital because I have come to know a new form of Michael, it is not the one I saw last, on September 17th....before he went to his friend Emilys is the one I saw that night, after surgery in the PICU. And since then all I can see is progress. All I can focus on is everyday the new things that he is learning or tolerating. I feel like if I focus too much on the Michael I saw THAT DAY then I will be too sad about the stumbling blocks that he has ahead of him....and not happy about the progress that he makes everyday.          That is why I HATE going home. When I go home I miss the Michael that I let go to her house, the Michael that is Mrs Redmons class, the Michael that wants to watch youtube, the Michael that wants to play in the orange groves. Right now I need to focus on the Michael that needs to not have a fever, and the Michael that needs to cough up the gunk in his throat, the Michael that needs to stop drifting to his left side to lay, the Michael that sweats too much during the day. The Michael that gets feed through a tube and not a slice of pizza. The Michael that I can't snuggle with but I can hold his hand tenses too much.

We go to dinner and I watch other people eat, and other people socialize.....all I can think about is "they think their problems suck so bad" " But are they?"     I still can't believe this is happening to me and my family. Not that I had a perfect family......But I love my kids truly more than anything in this world. Yes, I yell......Yes I make them do homework when they dont want to, yes I make them do chores......yes, I dont put up with back talk.......yes I say things I probably shouldn't say.....yes, my neighbors probably think I am a psycho mom....but I dont care. Because I am raising my kids to have respect, be smart, be caring, and be awesome MEN. So to me they are my world. And to have one of them be not only hurting.....but have something that may effect their quality of life.....and I could have prevented it.......I just can't deal with myself. I love this kid more than anything and I just want the best for him. I am here for him no matter what. I am just hurting so much for him and so heartbroken for him. And to think.......other peoples biggest problem are they weren't tagged in a facebook just makes me so angry because that is so petty.

On another note.....he is doing good today. His neuro storming seems to be under control. And hopefully we will be going to rehab on Monday or Tuesday. A part of me is hopeful.....a part of me is scared.  He is doing much better than he doubt. Am I still scared......Is he still doing bad....YES. I can be scared and still have faith that God will fix this. And I do. Sometimes it just is overwhelming.

( I am on the phone with my sister....crying.....)

I am not trying to forget Michael.......I am trying to not remember. I am trying to only focus on the current situation me....its easier that way and I am not trying to focus on anything that is going to make it any harder.
Michael may not come back to us as he was, So for me, not focusing on who he was.....but who is he....I feel like I am trying to set him up for only success.

This whole thing sucks. I dont know what to think, how to feel, what to cry about....what to be strong about. All I know is I love him. Who is was, who is is, and who he will become. That may sound strong to you.......but my heart is totally and utterly broken.


  1. Oh Jesse, I'm so very sorry for Michael, you, nate, tim and his 3 siblings! You are right, you have to focus on the present and the hope in Michaels future! There are so many stories of children coming out of this and being restored to normalcy! there may be some adjustments but I go back to sept 17th after the accident and the fact that he is ALIVE, he is not paralyzed and he is slowly progressing! You all still have Michael! There will be good coming out of this! God will do some mighty things! What, only He knows! There is so much Love coming out of this...Appreciation for the important things and the shaking off of the trivial things! As a Mom, my heart goes out to you! You have many wonderful memories and you will have new memories that will matter more than anything! You expressed your love on all levels and that's what a good Mom does! You will get thru this....he will get better...your family will get even closer...and stronger...and your baby will show you his Love again! Be encouraged! You have a very big God! Reject & Dismiss all thoughts that tear you down or wear you down! Sending love and hugs! Cathy

  2. You are doing a great job Jesse! It is overwhelming at times and discouraging at times but I'm grateful for the little improvements he is making. His neurostorms are just trying to get connected to each little neuron and figure out this little brain again. I'm so grateful he is alive. I wish all the time it were me and not him cuz he has so much to offer in life. I'd trade him places in a heart beat if there were 1 wish. But I can only pray and hope for him and keep on loving him. I pray for comfort for the rest of you that you may have peace and strength through this whole process. You're doing great but it's ok to feel the feelings you are feeling, don't keep it bottled up, you gotta let it out in order to feel better, no matter how long it takes. It's ok for the other boys see you grieve. Love to all! Delaine

  3. You got this momma! All of your feelings are normal. Such a tough, tough thing. Praying for you and your family!


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